How to edit documentation

We’re using Sphinx to document autodiff. This page has instructions on how to add additional pages of documentation.

The file index.rst is the source for the main landing page. While it’s in restructured text format, most of the documentation can be written in markdown (this page was written in markdown). To add a new page, all we need to do is create a new markdown file and tell index.rst to include it in the main table of contents:

  1. Create a new file in the source directory.

  2. Add that file’s relative path to the toctree in index.rst

    .. toctree::
        :maxdepth: 2
        :caption: Contents:
  3. Once that’s done, run make html from the docs directory. Doing so will create /docs/source/html/. Opening index.html in a browser will show a local copy of our documentation page. Our documentation site does the same thing every time we push code to github.

The markdown syntax Sphinx uses is slightly different than Jupyter’s. This test page has some examples of markdown that works.